Tuesday, November 18, 2008


what a beautiful, special day!  the only way i can think to express how special this was is to our american family and friends is to ask you to imagine being in the front row at the macy's thanksgiving day parade, or the rosebowl or something.  sinterklaas (or sint niklaas) arrived in antwerp last saturday...this was a BIG deal.  we waited for him with thousands of other excited parents and kids - the only difference was that we were right in front!!!.  in this video you'll see a tiny sampling of the arrival of sinterklaas and all of de zwarte pieten on the big steamboat right into the antwerp harbour.  it was really special and beautiful - and the boys can't wait till december 6th, when he comes down the chimney to fill their slippers with goodies!

1 comment:

Somebodyiusedtoknow said...

what a treat it is to see your little family callie! what a beautifyl family! you guys are experiencing an amazing adventure! all my warmest wishes ♥