I've been so terrible about updating the kids' blog lately. Well, I guess being as busy as I've been is a good enough excuse, but here are some long awaited photos and updates about our little boys.

When we arrived back to Belgium, the boys had PLENTY of snow in the backyard to keep them busy. Snow is such good, clean fun! We even made ice cream out of it, which was REALLY fun! I got the recipe out of a great book I have. Basically you just make layers of clean, fresh snow and sugar, then pour fresh cream over the top, stir and eat immediately. The snow ice cream tasted surprisingly yummy and REALLY fun to make!

I can't express enough how much I enjoy my two boys. They are such a gift to Roel and I, and I'm not surprised in the least at how spunky, silly and wild they are since Roel and I are both pretty spunky and silly (as for wild, well, I think that time has passed;-)