Thursday, July 30, 2009

summertime boys

The summer is in full swing (even though I sometimes I feel like it's already winding down).  The boys are enjoying the freedom of the season, especially the sleeping in and not going to school parts!  I'm really enjoying spending lots of quiet time with them here at the house.

It seems these days we're constantly  taking long walks, feeding ducks, playing in parks with friends, dancing and singing, reading books, drawing, watching funny movies, eating snacks and having lots of fun!  Here are a couple shots of the kids enjoying the nearby pond, or maybe it's a moat, that encircles the fort.  And then there's Simon, sans his other front tooth.  What a guy!  I've got tons of photos to show off, so check back soon for a photo extravaganza!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


People don't eat pancakes here, well they do, but they're crepes.  It was a super treat to have normal pancakes with maple syrup.  The boys especially enjoyed something wonderful and familiar.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

out and about with the boys!

Now that the weather has become sunny and warm, we've been spending a lot of time out and about with Jonas and Simon.  Last weekend we spent the day wandering around the city, just having fun together.  We grabbed a picnic and headed over to the city park to eat and play.
Here are the four of us enjoying a yummy lunch, which was especially yummy because we found a bag of ranch doritos (known as 'cool american' here in Belgium).  Yep, that's what is hanging out of Simon's mouth!
The kids always enjoy splashing in the fountain; we always marvel at how 'at home' they feel in the city.  The center is their favorite place to be, doing nothing in particular.
And bunny-watching in the park is a favorite activity.  A few years back, some students let a few rabbits free in the park.  Now there are hundreds of bunnies everywhere!  Bad for the park, but really fun for us!  Lately there are hundreds of baby bunnies and ducklings to watch and love.
Here are the boys at the market, marveling at the tiny seafood.  I don't think they'd eat these tiny octopuses, but they sure are cute!  (not as cute as the bunnies and ducklings, though).  

As much as the kids love the city, we have just as much fun lumbering around the countryside.  There is a lot of beautiful nature here to explore and enjoy.  On this particular afternoon, Roel and Uncle Tom took the boys fishing while Mommy enjoyed some quiet time at home. Here is Tom teaching Jonas and Simon a few tricks of the trade.  They didn't catch anything, but they had a great time.

After the boys returned home from fishing with Papa and Uncle Tom, we had a big, delicious bar-b-que!  

Yesterday afternoon we took the boys to a wonderful salon in Mortsel and got their hair cut.  We let them decide how they wanted their hair cut, and I think they made great choices!  Jonas prefers their hair a bit longer, and Simon loves his hair with 'spikes'.  I think they look just darling!
In other news, we were really lucky to find a new school for the boys to attend next year.  I have been less than pleased with the school they attended this year, and for Roel and I, their education is extremely important.  We just can't keep them in a school that isn't the best; only the best for our boys!  Although it's no fun having to put change on top of all the changes they've already dealt with, I think this will be a really positive change for the remainder of our time here in Belgium.

Their new school is an alternative school called 'Zeppelin'.  It is run in a similar fashion as a Steiner (or Wladorf School as its known in the states).  There are only about 9 kids in each class.  The classes have a 'meeting' each morning where they discuss what will happen that day, then they spend the remainder of the morning on their studies.  In the afternoon they work on 'projects' that the students choose - these are normally building, nature or science based.  If possible the projects are done out of doors, and although the children feel like they're playing, they're learning physics, biology and engineering etc.  

The students also work with other grades, and older students are responsible for helping younger students.  On Thursdays, the students make soup for lunch from the vegetables they grow in their school garden.

Much different from many public schools here, the teachers work more on establishing relationships with their students (which is easier when you only have 9 kids in your class!).  The teachers also work closely with parents.  Speaking of the parent's role, each parent is given a key to the school.  There are many reasons for this, but the point is that the school belongs to the parents as well - an idea I really appreciate! The parents also take turns caring for, and cleaning the school.

I really think the kids will be happy there next year.  I know that I feel SO much better sending them there.

We're so proud of our good, sweet boys - and it's like I said before, we will not accept second best for these kids.  They are just the best, best, best.  We love them so much, and it makes me so happy to see how strong and healthy our family is right now.  This past year has been challenging in many ways, but those challenges have also brought us together and strengthened our bond as a family.  We're so lucky to have each other!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

brothers love each other!

When these boys are together, they are glued together!  It's so nice to see these boys loving each other so much.  They do have their fights and karate sessions, but for the most part they have such a loving relationship.  I'm so glad they have each other.  Sweet Loves.

Friday, May 8, 2009

a little end of week update

So, our little Simon had a routine procedure biggie, but nobody likes to see their baby covered in band-aids after having parts of their skin scaped off.  Poor guy.  He took the whole thing well, though, since he was all numbed up.

And a Jonas update: we think Jonas looks darling in Papa's coat.  what a cutie-pie!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Springtime Fun

Spring has finally arrived here in Belgium and Jonas and Simon have sure been enjoying the warmer weather!  We've been spending a lot of time out of doors together.  There have been lots of park play, and Simon has been having lots of fun climbing the swing poles and Bompa and Bonneke's house.  We're so glad that Winter is behind us!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Simon's Smile

I just want to quickly say how adorable I think Simon is with his first front tooth missing.  Not only does it look ridiculously cute, but it forces him to talk with a little lisp that's pretty much irresistible.  I told him I'd be ok if he decided not to grow a new tooth in its place...unfortunately, Simon wants teeth.  bummer.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Carnaval parade in Mortsel

Roel took the boys to a parade here in Mortsel celebrating Carnaval.  They had SUCH a wonderful boys afternoon out, and returned home with mounds and mounds of candies, waffles and toys.  Lucky boys!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Sweet Jonas

I can't really begin to express how proud I am of Jonas. He has dealt with a multitude of crazy changes so gracefully. Jonas began his third grade year (one of the most challenging on the elementary level) and has succeeded in ways that have astounded me. Not only is he speaking beautiful Flemish, but he is so brave in speaking! He speaks Flemish with no fear whatsoever; something I have yet to tackle!

He has also conquered cursive handwriting; something that children here learn from the beginning. Although he has had a bit of difficulty in coordinating his hand movements, he has worked hard to do his best. Jonas gets incredible test scores, especially in Math. I'm just so proud of him. I can't imagine going through the changes he has at his age.

In his spare moments, you will usually find our big boy drawing creatures, something he is just so incredibly good at.

Jonas is really introspective and keeps his feelings locked up inside when he really should speak up. I've found that the main reason he does that is because he is so concerned about hurting my feelings and Roels, that he would prefer to keep his hurts to himself. He doesn't like to worry us. What a sweetheart! I've assured him that even though I appreciate him being so considerate, I really need him to talk about his feelings. I hope that he can learn to be more open with sharing his hurts...that's something a lot of us still need to learn!

I'm just so in love with Jonas...this little gift to me continues to bless our lives every day. He is always so quick to hug and love and praise. Jonas is a blessing to our family and we just appreciate him so much.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I'm sure that by now most of you know that Simon prefers being called 'chuck'.  Roel and I really have no idea why...that's just how it is.  Anyway, out little chuck loves to make music and DJ and here he is above looking quite a bit like jamiroquai.  Simon used his tooth fairy money to buy a little DJ beat kit with scratchers, and he really works it with mama's giant recording headphones and his phat dance-skills.  

Below looking quite a bit like Bompa!  they are both missing the same tooth now, which simon, I mean Chuck, finds really amusing.
We're really proud of Simon.  He is so amazing...getting super grades in school, being a kind friend, and really doing his best every day.  A couple of weeks ago, Roel and I bought a DS game for Jonas to help him learn his times tables...and wouldn't you know it, Simon loves the game and at 6 years old is well on his way to being a great mathematician.  He is multiplying and dividing very well already, and he's getting better every day.  I really love how much he enjoys doing math; I know it will really help him to succeed as he progresses in school.

This kid has got a lot of spunk, personality and dare I say...charisma!  He really knows how to throw on the sparkle and already has lots and lots of girlfriends at school (though I don't plan on encouraging that behavior!).  

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

these awesome boys!

I've been so terrible about updating the kids' blog lately.  Well, I guess being as busy as I've been is a good enough excuse, but here are some long awaited photos and updates about our little boys.

One of Jonas's highlights of our trip home to Visalia was getting to spend an afternoon with is buddy , Caden.  It was so great watching them run around and play together.  Plus, its so wonderful when your kids make friend with other kids who are just great little people!  Caden is such a bright, kind and super-fun little boy, and I'm really grateful that Jonas has a friend in him.

When we arrived back to Belgium, the boys had PLENTY of snow in the backyard to keep them busy.  Snow is such good, clean fun!  We even made ice cream out of it, which was REALLY fun!  I got the recipe out of a great book I have.  Basically you just make layers of clean, fresh snow and sugar, then pour fresh cream over the top, stir and eat immediately.  The snow ice cream tasted surprisingly yummy and REALLY fun to make!

And in VERY BIG news, Simon finally lost his first tooth!!!!  Shortly after putting our little guy to bed last night, we heard his little, excited feet running down the stairs.  He was so happy that it had finally come out, and he was even more excited when he woke up this morning to some shiny coins from the tooth fairy!

I can't express enough how much I enjoy my two boys.  They are such a gift to Roel and I, and I'm not surprised in the least at how spunky, silly and wild they are since Roel and I are both pretty spunky and silly (as for wild, well, I think that time has passed;-)